Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Week 3, Thing 7
I have fluctuated between not wanting to bother knowing new technology that I don't think I will need and wanting to learn many new things to expand my possibilities. I still am doing a little fluctuating, although these lessons are getting me excited. With my new blog and flickr account, I have started posting some of the photos that I have had unviewed on CD-Roms. I am starting to dream of bigger things!
I realize that I am a little behind in these lessons. I am on only Thing 7 and I need to finish 23 by the end of March. That gives me a little over a month. I should do at least one every workday just to finish on time. I will have to pick up my pace.
I wrote a comment on the blog of the person who showed me her trading card of her dog which gave me the idea of making a trading card with my cat. She is also the only one (I believe) who has commented on my blog (other than the virtual services team), although other friends have commented through my regular e-mail.

1 comment:

moolady said...

Don't worry...you'll finish. I'll cover for you so you can spend some time in your 'office'!