Saturday, March 3, 2007

A Few Useful Library Related Blogs

Week 4, Thing 9
I have been looking around in the suggestions for the 9th lesson. There is so much out there! I looked at Shifted Librarian and found a YouTube made by some students. It is called "Library Ninja, Defender of Books" and it is a short video showing how, although computers are an importance resource, books are still sometimes the best choice. I e-mailed it to myself and will later figure out how to add it to my blog.
A very interesting blog I added to my bloglines was one suggested by a customer at Calabazas who came up to the desk while we were discussing our blogs. It is fusenumber8 and she is a children's librarian in New York. I also looked at "Unshelved, A Comic Strip About Libraries" that is on my bloglines.
Syndic8 looks good, too, but that will have to be another day.

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