Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Week 9, Thing 21
It's a good thing you don't need to have an iPod for this lesson because I don't have one. I went to an out-of-the-way computer at work and looked up the lesson and listened (I managed to figure out how to turn up the sound!) to a couple of podcasts. I found the "NPR Story of the Day" which excited me because I used to like listening to these when I was driving. I found a story about dogs who were used to protect penguins. It had been a couple of weeks since I worked with my bloglines and I wasn't sure whether to start in my bloglines or at the podcast, but I managed to cut and paste the URL into my bloglines and now I have NPR for my listening pleasure.

1 comment:

amhp said...

I loved that NPR story, especially about how the first dog got "homesick" after about three weeks and swam home! I'd never heard of "fairy penguins" but that is a delightful name. Just wanted you to know that others are enjoying your blog, too.